Family Mission Statement and Purpose

One of my favorite things to talk about is living intentionally. Early in our marriage, my husband and I talked about the wonderful ideals we had for our family. We wanted a family that loves and serves God together, a welcoming home, and a life that prioritized relationships. Years later we found ourselves in a rut of just surviving, getting through one week after the next.

The best thing we did as a family to change that was to create a family mission statement and seek God for His purpose for our lives. We still go through seasons when we busy gets the best of us but when we recognize it we go back to our mission and purpose to reset.

We believe that God has a unique purpose for our little ones too and they don’t have to wait until they are grown-ups to figure out what it is!

I am over at Faith Gateway talking about what that looks like for us to include out kids in our family mission and purpose. I am also sharing some great resources have helped us along the way. Join me over there to read more...


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