How Life Coaching Helped Me and My Blog

I bet you’ve noticed some changes around here. Back in April of 2015 I shared on the blog my identity crisis.  I wasn’t sure exactly what I was doing online, I was busy there but not really focused.

My attention was everywhere. As the managing editor at Circles of Faith I was curating content, editing copy, and planning events for our readers. I was occasionally writing around the web, and regularly at Faith Gateway. Plus I was working part time as an interior designer.

At the time, I labeled myself a Jack-of-All-Trades. I was discouraged because I wanted to do something, anything great, instead of being known as the person that could do many different things. Graphic design, writing, editing, interior design, organizing, Need something? I’d just learn how to do it? No money to spend on an expert? I’d figure it out.

I desperately wanted to know my ONE THING. 

After attending the Allume conference the previous October I realized that what I started blogging about, Lessons I’ve Learned from my Little Ones, was no longer what I was writing about. Instead, I was posting about various topics such as:

I thought the answer was to find a branding specialist, someone who could look at everything I was doing and tell me who I was. I wanted a quick fix. I searched the Internet but didn’t find what I was looking for.  Then Elise, my partner at COF, told me about Carey Bailey.

A life coach? It wasn’t exactly what I had in mind, however, I loved the idea of someone coming alongside me to help me achieve my goals.

So, as a birthday present to myself, I invested in a package of life coaching sessions.  It is one of the best decisions I ever made.

Over the last year and a half we have:

  • Talked about and outlined my values.

  • Examined whether or not my calendar and the choices I made reflected those values.

  • Uncovered the lies I believed about my abilities and myself.

  • Discovered patterns in my life that prevented me from achieving my goals.

  • Put together a plan to launch my Etsy shop.

Eventually, I:

  • Let go of things that I thought gave me value and embraced my value in Christ.

  • Slowed down enough to discover what really brings me to life.

  • Incorporated Sabbath into my week.


  • Recognized the things I wrote about and did weren’t random at all.

The process allowed me to realize that what I was doing pointed to one thing – finding creative ways to live intentionally.

I also unearthed a desire to empower others to creatively live a life of intention. 

I believe creativity comes out differently in each of us. I love to write, design, and organize. My husband creates order at work through calculations on spreadsheets. My kids… well, their list seems never ending.

Living in the Sweet Spot has always been about discovering the sweet spot of God’s success for my life. In the beginning, I shared simple faith lessons I that I learned on journey. Over time, I began to include the creative and practical ways I lived that out. I will continue to do the same, but in a way that is more useful to you the reader.

I look forward to what the future holds on my little piece of the Internet. I hope you will come along on the journey as I create blog posts, newsletters, and products that will encourage and inspire you to creatively live a life of intention.


This Month: Learning what the Bible Says about Patience


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